Anne of Green Gables

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Show Description
Meet Anne Shirley, a talkative young orphan looking for a home to call her own. Accidentally adopted by the Cuthberts to work on their farm, Green Gables, they have no need for a girl and would send her back. However, she makes up for her lack of manners and hot temper with a broad imagination, a huge capacity to love and a joyful spirit that is impossible for the Cuthberts, and the town, to resist. With a talent for trouble, she’s a handful for her new family and friends, but she never makes the same mistake twice!
L.M Montgomery’s lovable classic, Anne of Green Gables, is a story filled with laughter and love, friendship and faith. Join Debut Theatre Company at The Lincoln Center to see all of Anne’s misadventures!
As a non-profit 501c3, Debut Theatre Company is committed to making theatre affordable for our community. Tickets are $10 plus Lincoln Center fees.
Available Showtimes
Show Description
Meet Anne Shirley, a talkative young orphan looking for a home to call her own. Accidentally adopted by the Cuthberts to work on their farm, Green Gables, they have no need for a girl and would send her back. However, she makes up for her lack of manners and hot temper with a broad imagination, a huge capacity to love and a joyful spirit that is impossible for the Cuthberts, and the town, to resist. With a talent for trouble, she’s a handful for her new family and friends, but she never makes the same mistake twice!
L.M Montgomery’s lovable classic, Anne of Green Gables, is a story filled with laughter and love, friendship and faith. Join Debut Theatre Company at The Lincoln Center to see all of Anne’s misadventures!
As a non-profit 501c3, Debut Theatre Company is committed to making theatre affordable for our community. Tickets are $10 plus Lincoln Center fees.